Best Practices and LibGuides

Many people noticed that our examples of best practices were all videos. Where are the examples of LibGuides? Well, it's actually hard to find LibGuides that uniquely exemplify best practices. There just aren't that many that include levels or objectives, and the basic setup of LibGuides predetermines some of the font and color usage. Even if a collection of LibGuides tries to incorporate many of the best practices, it may not be apparent on a single guide. In fact, it can be a bit daunting to include best practices in LibGuides. There is often a conflict between including best practices and creating crisp, clean guides. Is it worth giving up real estate for objectives? Do LibGuides topics need different levels? What about personalization? How would you use the best practices in your LibGuides? Capella University has organized LibGuides into different levels, and includes a colored icon for each level. This may make sense for guides that focus on teaching skills, but does that work for subject guides? Does a table of contents fill that role?


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